June 2012
Is your schedule inundated during the workweek with too many tasks, appointments and time-consuming routines? Do you find yourself daydreaming of an escape or a romantic getaway weekend? You've got the budget to indulge yourself but planning it seems like another task that's just too painful? Well, you're not alone. My favorite getaway destination is the island of Nantucket, which is located 30 miles off the coast of Cape Code in Massachusetts. Nantucket is an island that can take years to get to know intimately. The best restaurants, hotels and staff can change like the shifting sand dunes that make up the island from one year to the next. Come with me on an over-the-top getaway to Nantucket. We'll fly on a private charter service that will whisk you from Connecticut's Danbury Airport (DXR) to Nantucket in 35 minutes. We'll stay at Nantucket's finest five-star hotel and one of the oldest bed and breakfasts on the island. We'll watch the sun go down over the Atlantic Ocean while drinking martinis at the hottest bar around. We'll dine at the best restaurants that locals frequent because the chefs and well-known staff serve up the finest food and cocktails. We'll tour Cisco Brewers and sample their premium Triple Eight vodka and micro beers with the company's founder. Then we'll fly fish the flats off Madaket for stripe bass and take a ride on the Beach Bus to one of Nantucket's most private out-of-the-way beaches! Read on and you'll be compelled to duplicate the itinerary. It's effortless and makes getting away to Nantucket simple and fun. You can't go wrong if you book this one!
GETTING THERE SWIFTLY The best kept secret in the Tri-State area and the cornerstone of making this a successful weekend getaway is booking a round-trip ticket on Reliant Air from Danbury (DXR) to Nantucket (ACK). It's convenient, safe and affordable. Reliant Air is a private charter service that has a stable of aircraft that includes a light twin Beach Baron, a Cessna CJ2 and a complement of reliable King Air 350 and 90 turbo props. Reliant Air is in the final stages of building a new state-of-the-art 20,000 square foot Flight Base Operations center at Danbury airport. The facility was completed in October 2008, it became the premiere facility in the area. You'll be able to drive right up to the plane and have your luggage transferred to the plane while your car is swiftly valet parked in a secure lot. This is what private air travel is about. Convenience, convenience, convenience. The cost? You'll be paying $350 each way and fly on a King Air 350 turbo prop. Flights leave on Thursdays at 3:30pm and return on Sundays at 4:30pm. From wheels up to wheels down, the flight only takes 35 minutes. Wayne Toher is President of Reliant Air. He's a journeyman in the aircraft charter business. He started as a mechanic over 20 years ago. Flying is not only his job but his hobby, too. When not captaining a flight, he's been known to still turn a wrench to keep his fleet in ready condition at all times. It's this company spirit that gives Reliant Air its name and its success.
THE FLIGHT Wayne rotated the aircraft and we gradually ascended to a cruising altitude of 15,000 feet. From this vantage point you can see some of the interesting landmarks that make New England special. You'll first spy the exclusive enclave of Fishers Island and off to the south is Montauk, Long Island. Next you'll fly just a .... |