Here's the video I've been telling you about - it makes me laugh every time I watch it.
Those damn pigs just come running when they hear a boat approaching, it was so surreal.
And here's a bonus video of one of the more ironic things I've done: Feeding an endangered species one of the worst foods you can possibly put in your body.
I wanted to share a video I shot for my alter ego ( - mostly because I think it helps you get to know me better.
I also don't have the time currently to write about the experience, given the fact that I'm driving across the country next week (literally just realized I never mentioned that before...I'll tell you tomorrow).
Another thing to come, something not included in the video: The swimming pigs of Exuma.
Here's a photo to give you an idea of what I'm talking about:
Rodin Museum Did you know that the Rodin Museum in Paris was originally the Hotel Biron where Rodin once lived? Rodin donated his entire collection of sculptures, and paintings by Van Gogh and Renoi to the French State. The government turned the entire building into a stunning musuem that is a marvel and a must to see.