February 2024 sponsored by: Amercian Express

Cristal Room Baccarat
Paris, France
By: Danielle deBenedictis
My husband and I have had a pied a terre on the left bank in Paris for twenty eight years. I fancy myself a Paris cognoscenti, but somehow I missed Baccarat’s Museum and headquarters in the sixteenth on the Rue des Etats ....
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Banff - Lake Louise
Canadian Ski Adventure
By: Dr. Brett Denkin
Back in suburban Connecticut, I am still in awe of the sheer magnificence of Banff National Park cut in the heart of the jagged and pristine Canadian Rockies. The town of Banff itself, a ninety minute drive from Calgary a ....
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January 2024 sponsored by: Jet Blue

Boca Resort & Club
South Florida
By: Chuck Taylor
If you're looking for a fun getaway to South Florida and want to attend some great events that'll appeal particularly to gentlemen who love the ultimate toys, then you might want to check out the newly remodeled Boca Re ....
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Cheeca Lodge
Chill Like Jimmy Buffett
By: Chuck Taylor
Just thinking about booking an excursion to the Florida Keys gets me all jazzed up! I'll be honest; it's taken me 15 years of traveling to the Keys to figure out how to do it just right. It has been a challenge to find ....
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Celebrity Cruises
Luxury Bon Voyage
By: Charles Greenfield
After an unnerving bout of “inside cabin” cruise ship claustrophobia over a decade ago I decided to remain on land. But since then the industry has evolved dramatically as a major travel trendsetter with energy-savi ....
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December 2023 sponsored by: michaelslimo.com

Bugaboo Lodge
British Columbia, CN
By: Laurie Gough
"Duck down! Now's the time to lose them." I watch the group of sexagenarian hikers sprint ahead of us through an alpine flower meadow of BC's Columbia Mountains until they're mere specks of fleece jac ....
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Big Sky Resort, MT
A Skier's Mountain
By: Elizabeth Kochor
Big Sky Resort was the brainchild of native "Montanoid" and NBC anchor Chet Huntley. He purchased the land from a logging concern and the resort opened its doors in December 1973. With its "Lone Peak" loomin ....
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Hawks Cay Resort
Florida Keys
By: Charles Greenfield
It’s spring 1924 and billionaire visionary Henry Flagler’s miraculous Florida Overseas Railroad Engine 201 rumbles across a scary series of arch-girder-truss spans from Key West towards boomtown Miami. Travelers mar ....
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