May 2022
by lush gardens and white trellises. Tina and Jerry Wolsborn own this storybook of a property and will greet you personally, offering a tour of the property as well as an invitation to the nightly wine reception. The Inn boasts rooms that are each beautifully painted in different colors and decorated in whimsical themes like the “Leaf Umbrella” room and the “Cirque du Sonoma” room. After five days biking the trails, our oversized "spa" tubs were a most welcomed amenity. Breakfast served downstairs in the intimate dining room was a polenta-crusted quiche served with fresh plum muffins. Lavished with gourmet food all week, it came as no surprise that our final dinner was reserved at the intimate French "Bistro de Copain." We ordered lamb shank, roasted rabbit and hand made pumpkin ravioli while several orders of crispy golden French fries were placed on our table. Gathered together, we toasted our amazing “sojourn” and the wonderful guides who championed our discovery of beauty; both within us and all around us.
800-730-4771 |