March 2024
two weeks before your trip. The advised amount is half your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 150 lbs., then you'll need 75 ounces of water/fluids per day. Pending permission from your health care provider, one Baby Aspirin a day with your water intake will assist with thinning your blood. There are also supplements available at health food stores to increase oxygen in the bloodstream. Please consult with your healthcare provider for specific recommendations. The natural beauty and clean mountain air at Beaver Creek Resort and Vail far outweighs any potential temporary altitude inconvenience you may experience. By following the above recommendations you can effectively prevent and manage your condition. If you need medical attention while you're there, call David Denton Davis, MD who runs Resort Med. They make house calls. He can be reached at 970-390-7878. For more information, visit .... |